July 27, 2024

Put Spain on the f***ing green list, says Britain

Following the Spanish government’s recent announcement that British tourists can visit the country without taking a Covid test, the UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, is under growing pressure to include Spain on his administration’s ‘green’ travel list.

Countries such as Portugal are already on the list and have now opened their doors to British holidaymakers but most require travellers to have had at least one Covid vaccination prior to visiting plus a negative PCR test within three days of arrival. Despite imposing no restrictions of its own on UK tourists, Spain is currently on the government’s ‘amber’ list which requires Brits to take Covid tests prior to returning home and to quarantine for ten days following their return to the UK.

Dave Becks from Hemel Hempstead told NEWS of the NEWS: 

“It’s totally ridiculous. If Spain is happy for us to travel there then we should be able to do so without having to quarantine when we get back. It’s my right as a tax paying Brit to be able to get pissed on San Miguel whilst lying on a Spanish beach.”

Stella Barrett from Romford echoed those sentiments: 

“I’m not a doctor and I know nothing about medicine, virology or any of that stuff. Even so, I think we should be allowed to go. It’s hot, beer is cheap and I’ve found Ryanair flights for forty quid. Boris needs to stop being a twat!”

Phil Carlsberg from Ilford was even more succinct in expressing his thoughts on the subject:

“Beer. Spain. Sun. Now”, he told us.