February 12, 2025

President Twunt

What word best describes the President of the United States, Donald Trump?

That’s the question NEWS of the NEWS asked members of the public.

Two words in particular dominated responses but those expecting the likes of ‘successful’, ‘billionaire’ or ‘genius’ were in for a surprise.

“He’s a tw*t”, said Grace from Springfield. “That basically sums him up in a nutshell.” 

Many agreed. In fact half of the people we spoke with used the same noun when describing Mr Trump. 

Steve from Dover echoed the remainder of respondents, describing the President as “a c*nt.” 

Again, roughly half of those that expressed an opinion concurred with his less than complimentary appraisal.

So, in a surprising outcome, it’s a tie between two of the stronger words in the dictionary.

In recognition NEWS of the NEWS is therefore delighted to christen the leader of the free world:

President Twunt