February 12, 2025

Family with two electric cars also owns woodburner, firepit, barbecue, chiminea and ride-on lawnmower

A family from Cheshire that outwardly appears to be trying to save the planet actually generates more pollution than a small factory.

Husband, Jeremy Brown, told NEWS of the NEWS:

“Tricia and I are very keen to do our bit for the planet as are our children. I’ve recently taken delivery of a Tesla Model X and Tricia’s had a Jaguar iPace for a few months now. We bought them to reduce our carbon footprint, not as status symbols or for their performance. Both are real head-turners though and insanely quick. Mine does 0 to 60 in under three seconds and has already embarrassed a few Porsche and Ferrari owners!”

Our reporter pointed out to Mr Brown that he appeared to own a number of items that still relied on highly polluting fossil fuels. After a few moments considering the point he responded:

“Yes. Yes, I appreciate that we do have a woodburner in both our lounge and our snug plus a firepit, barbecue and chiminea outside but we only use them occasionally. Like when it’s a bit cold or if we’re entertaining guests. They all look and smell so lovely though and I don’t think they pollute much, do they? Maybe a tiny bit.”

Our reporter also drew Mr Brown’s attention to the classic TVR sports car and ride-on lawnmower that are kept in his garage.

“They only get used on the occasional weekend”, he told us. “In fact we spend lots of time flying back-and-forth to our house in France so they pretty much don’t count.”