January 26, 2025

Are you an ANTIFA terrorist? Take the government quiz to find out

Could you be part of a global, left-wing terrorist organisation without even knowing it?

That is the question the governments of Britain and America are asking.

To help you find out both countries have introduced a simple quiz which has been designed to unearth unwitting terrorists:

Question 1

Are you opposed to one or more of the following:

Racism, sexism, fascism, homophobia, transphobia, biphobia, global warming, vivisection, government abuse of power, government ineptitude, any other government action/inaction?

Question 2

If you answered “Yes” to any of the above, are you also prepared to attend a public protest to raise awareness of the cause or causes?

So, are you an ANTIFA terrorist?

According to government guidelines, if you answered “Yes” to question 1:

“There is a medium to high likelihood that you are an ANTIFA terrorist. You should turn yourself in to the authorities at the earliest opportunity.”

If you answered “Yes” to both questions:

“You are definitely an ANTIFA terrorist, possibly one of its ringleaders. You should say goodbye to your family and friends and turn yourself in to the authorities immediately.”